Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Volley from the Canon, Number 139, Reading Camp

A VOLLEY FROM THE CANON, NUMBER 139 START YOUR OWN LOCAL READING CAMP! In our Diocese, we’ve now run two successful, introductory Reading Camps, one at St. Luke’s-on-the-Island, Wheeling, and one at Premier Park/Welch for the Highland Educational Project (St. Luke’s, Welch). Both were fun, productive, inspiring, and encouraging. The campers themselves had a great time! Now is the time, believe it or not, to begin planning for Reading Camps, 2013. We hope and plan to continue on the Island and in McDowell County. What I’d like to see is half a dozen more one-week camps for local children run out of congregations across our diocese. Toward that end, I am inviting interested persons to attend Reading Camp Training, coming up in October this year. It is very important that at least two persons representing each Reading Camp location attend this training! (We are Network members.) Fall 2012 RC Network Training and Retreat October 18-20, 2012 4:00pm Thursday - 4:00pm Saturday Cathedral Domain Conference Center 800 Highway 1746 Irvine, KY 40336 Fees: $100 per person, Network Members $125 per person, non-members *$30 single-room supplemental fee* A small number of scholarships will be available. (Some additional funding from the Diocese of WV) Any and all are welcome to attend - Reading Camp volunteers, friends, Network members and those who are interested in learning about and starting their own Reading Camp program. The training provides leadership training for young adults and other volunteers. Please make your plans now to attend. Recruit your co-leaders. Sponsoring clergy are recommended to attend as well. Let’s take the onus of low literacy off out state and our diocese—and have a great time doing it! Our children deserve no less.

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