Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Volley from the Canon, Number 131--The Single Best Thing

A VOLLEY FROM THE CANON NUMBER 131: “THE SINGLE BEST THING” If you could do just one easy thing for half an hour every day, that would promise enormous, across-the-board health benefits, and leave the other 23 ½ hours free for anything you want to do, would you do it? Of course you would. Take the first part of one of those half-hours just to sit and watch this nine-minute presentation from You Tube. This message is so clear, so well-presented, and so important to our life today, that I’m suggesting that all of us listen, mark, learn, and inwardly digest it as Holy Writ. Yes, show it in church. Spread the link all around town. And follow up with supportive activities. We offer Parish dinners and reading groups—why not parish health breaks? Parish walking clubs? • Organize one or more Church walking groups. • Encourage a set time for A Covenant of Walking. • Ask your church members to make a Walking Pledge. • Give every church member a dog. OK, I’m only partly serious about the dog. The rest is Gospel serious. We all have to die. We don’t all have to die sick, or soon. If healing is the church’s business (and it is), then staying healthier, longer, is, too.

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