Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Volley from the Canon, Number 98 Last/First


“The First Shall Be Last”

When Mike Abrashoff (It’s Your Ship)took command of his U. S. Navy warship, he noticed at his first meal aboard ship that all his officers broke in at the head of the line to be served. He knew that was the Navy tradition, but he deliberately held back until all his crew had been served. One of the officers came back to give him a nudge, letting him know that, as Commander, he was entitled to go first. Mike declined, and told the officer that, as Commander, he was responsible for the well-begin of all the crew, and if the galley ran out of anything, and if anyone had to go without, it would be he, the Commander. He made no point of this, only the example of his own behavior.

At the next meal, all of his officers joined him at the end of the cafeteria line. Crew morale began to grow from that point.

I don’t know what, if anything, this has to do with life in the Episcopal Church. I’m just sayin’.

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