Monday, September 28, 2009

Volley #61,


Since I brought up advertising a few weeks ago, perhaps it is well to mention one source of ad material relevant to The Episcopal Church, The Church Ad Project. They’ve been around a while, and their work is known to many around the church, but they deserve an occasional reminder. In fact, if you haven’t checked their site lately, they continue to do fresh and innovative work, and they deserve another look. Their ads still have the old zing, but generally without some of the early causticity that made some of them less than universally appealing.

Church Ad Project not only offers media spots and copy for billboards and print, but also very nice posters for use around the church. They can be excellent reinforcement for church members, and gentle nudges to church visitors, but they would also work well posted in outdoor locations in protected signs or on moveable “sandwich boards” for occasional use. There are plenty of good choices for variety and for seasonal emphasis.

“Always preach the Good News,” says Francis. “If necessary, use words!” In today’s setting, it is necessary to use images, too.

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